British Journal of Venereal Diseases
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COMMON SKIN DISEASES. By A. C. Roxburgh, M.A., M.D.(Cantab), F.R.C.P. Sixth Edition. London: 194I. Messrs. H. K. Lewis & Co. Ltd., pp. 448 with I79 illustrations and 8 plates in colour. Price, i6s. net. THE appearance of this new edition within two years indicates the popularity of the work, which offers a reasonable introduction to the more common diseases of the skin. Both the text and the index have been enlarged and the sections on treatment have been expanded in the light of recent progress. Dermatomyositis and Thorium X are considered in this new edition and the chapters on avitaminoses, impetigo, scabies and monilia infections have been rewritten and enlarged. The text has been revised throughout and several minor modifications have been made. Treatment continues to be considered on conservative lines and dietary restrictions and internal remedies are not greatly favoured; Sulphonamide drugs are given credit for a certain limited therapeutic value. Reference is made to the use of the new emulsifying bases in dermatology, but a more detailed consideration would have been widely appreciated in view of the important advance in local treatment which they represent. The wide incidence of scabies has been recognised and the chapter on this subject has been rewritten and much expanded; a clear description of the treatment is given and timely attention is drawn to the importance of the preliminary bathing and to terminal disinfestation. The choice of remedy is wisely shown to be of secondary importance, but a review of the newer as well as the time-honoured remedies is included. A most valuable section of the book is the excellent Index of Preliminary Diagnoses which is retained; this indicates the sections of the text to which reference should be made in arriving at a probable diagnosis in a difficult case, while the supporting illustrations are of a high standard so that the volume will continue to be of considerable value to students and practitioners alike. D. E.